The industry

The goldsmith industry is the industry and professional field that includes the manufacture, sale and repair of jewelry and other items in precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals. It also includes the creation and design of jewelry and the sale of gemstones and pearls used in jewelry.

Goldsmiths are professionals who work to create and manufacture jewelry, such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and other decorative items. They can use various techniques and methods, including forging, casting, filigree (thread work), enameling and stone setting to create unique and beautiful jewellery. Modern goldsmiths often use both traditional craft methods and modern technologies such as computer-aided design (CAD) and 3D printing to create their pieces.

The goldsmith industry also includes jewelers who specialize in precious stones and diamonds. These experts assess and select high quality gemstones for use in jewelry as well as perform repairs and gem setting.

Jewelry has a long historical and cultural significance and has been used for both personal adornment and as status symbols. The goldsmith industry is therefore an important part of the fashion industry and cultural expression worldwide.


A diamond is a gemstone known for its beauty, hardness and brilliance. It is a form of carbon that has crystallized under extremely high pressure and temperature deep in the Earth's mantle. The diamond is the hardest natural material in existence and ranks 10 on the Mohs hardness scale, meaning it is significantly harder than other gemstones and minerals.

Here are some important properties and descriptions of diamonds:

  1. Hardness: The diamond is known for its unparalleled hardness. This means that it is resistant to scratches and damage, making it suitable as jewelery that comes into contact with daily use.
  2. Luster: Diamonds have an excellent luster and reflect light. When light hits the diamond, the inner light is refracted and reflected in a stunningly brilliant and sparkling effect.
  3. Color: Diamonds can be colorless or have a faint hint of color. Colorless diamonds are considered the most valuable and sought after, while diamonds with intense colors (known as "colored diamonds") can be particularly rare and valuable.
  4. Carat weight: The weight of the diamond is measured in carats, where one carat corresponds to 0.2 grams. Larger diamonds are generally more rare and valuable.
  5. Clarity: Diamonds can have natural inclusions and blemishes. The degree of clarity assesses how many and how big these inclusions are. Diamonds with fewer and smaller inclusions are considered more valuable.
  6. Cutting: Diamonds are shaped and cut into various shapes and cuts to enhance their beauty and light reflection. Common cut shapes include round, princess, emerald, and more.
  7. Certification: Many diamonds are examined and certified by independent laboratories such as GIA (Gemological Institute of America) or EGL (European Gemological Laboratory). These certificates provide information about the diamond's quality, including color, clarity, cut and carat weight.

Diamonds have a long history of being symbols of luxury, love and strength. They are often used in jewelry, such as engagement rings and necklaces, as well as in industrial applications due to their hardness, as cutting tools and in electronics.